Installation of the world's largest SWISS logo

The world's largest SWISS logo has been shining high up on the Hangar 3 for a short time now. The dimensions are impressive: 7 metres high, 35 metres wide, 55 individual parts. The assembly was challenging. 

On a cold day in December, a special task awaited a team of specialists. Their job was to assemble a SWISS logo at a height of over 40 metres on the outside wall of Hangar 3. In Hangar 3, we mainly maintain our long-haul aircraft. These are aircraft of the types A330, A340 and B777. The hangar was commissioned by Swissair almost 50 years ago (in 1973) and is still one of the largest in Switzerland. The hangar is 132 metres long, 130 metres wide and almost 40 metres high.

Using a lifting platform, the 3-mm-thick aluminium panels were transported upwards piece by piece and attached to the outer wall. A total of 55 individual parts together form the five letters SWISS and the so-called "tail". None of the specially trained fitters was afraid of heights. The assembly was correspondingly challenging, because even small inaccuracies have a big impact on the overall appearance. And time and again the work had to be interrupted due to wind. Because here, too, safety comes first. After a few days, the work was done and the logo shines in its full size from the roof of Hangar 3.

From now on, the logo on our hangar will be visible from afar for passengers and visitors to the observation deck.

Published: 06.02.23


Text: Diego Oppenheim

Images: Reto Hoffmann