Replacing an aircraft engine

Watch our team of technicians as they fit a 2.5-tonne engine.

How to change an aircraft engine.

Full thrust ahead

With reliable servicing, an aircraft engine will run for several years – and produces 13,640 hp (Airbus A321/CFM56-5B), which is about 100 times more than the average car. The engines are serviced for the first time after about 25,000 flying hours, which is an average of eight years.

SWISS Technics working on an airplane
SWISS Technics working on an engine
SWISS Technics working on an airplane

Soundproof hangar

Since 2014, the SWISS Technical Division has been testing aircraft engines at full thrust in a new soundproof hangar–– External website: the content may not be accessible to all users.. This innovative system operates around the clock – without disturbing the neighbours, thanks to the very high level of soundproofing.

A SWISS Aircraft from the front