Bad Zurzach takes off

Only 40 minutes from Zurich Airport lies the idyllic and relaxing town of Bad Zurzach. A piece of idyll from this well-known Swiss health resort is now also taking off with the SWISS Airbus A220 HB-JBD, which was ceremoniously named "Bad Zurzach" on the occasion of the 75th Airport Festival on 2 September.

Taufe BAd zurzach
Beaming faces and thunderous applause for Papa Moll at the aircraft naming of the Airbus A220 in the name of Bad Zurzach.

As Switzerland's airline, SWISS wants to represent the diverse Swiss tourist landscape above the clouds as well. To this end, a competition was launched last year and all of Switzerland's tourist destinations were invited to apply for a name for one of the aircraft in the SWISS A220 fleet. Papa Moll delivered the application from Bad Zurzach himself, paving the way for the big aircraft naming.

Papa Moll
Papa Moll, cult figure from Bad Zurzach, also met with great enthusiasm from the younger guests.

With the inflight magazine created especially for the competition with a focus on Bad Zurzach and the Safety & Security Sheet on board, which was transformed into "Safety & Security Sheet at the Pool", Bad Zurzach not only convinced the SWISS jury, but also made the numerous spectators at the aircraft naming smile.

Flugzeugtaufe Bad Zurzach
Aargau cantonal councillor Dieter Egli and the president of the board of directors and godfather of Bad Zurzach Peter Andres (pictured here) had the honour of unveiling the name of the aircraft.

So from now on, it's worth looking up into the clouds from anywhere in Europe and keeping an eye out for "Bad Zurzach", or looking out for the naming to the right of the entrance door when boarding a SWISS aircraft.

Date of publication: 20.09.2023 


Text: Jana Schuhmer
Photo: Reto Hoffmann